Homeowner Maintenance Responsibilities
Just like an automobile, there are many items in your home that require regular maintenance and/or inspection. The following table details many such items and it is your responsibility as a homeowner to see that these tasks are performed. Failure to perform the tasks as indicated may void certain aspects of your home’s warranty.
Item | Task | Frequency |
Furnace filters | Clean or replace | Every 4 months |
Water heater | Drain 5-10 gallons | Every 4 months |
Crawlspace | Check entire area | Every other month |
Water connections (dishwasher, clothes washer, sinks) | Check under and behind, retighten as necessary | Weekly 1st-4th weeks, December 1st, June 1st |
Sprinkler heads | Check & adjust | Weekly during watering season |
Sprinkler main filter | Remove & clean | May 1st & July 15th |
Sprinkler system | Blow out water | No later than Nov 10th |
Smoke detectors | Replace batteries | Dec 1st, June 1st |
Trees & shrubs | Deep water | Weekly 1st-4th weeks, Nov 1st, Mar 15th |